Simple Pregnancy Gas Pain Remedies

Though common, I never experienced gas pains during my first pregnancy. The very day this pregnancy hit 12 weeks I had the worst air bubble in my lower abdomen area. Coincidentally, I had my 12-week appointment the next day so it was nice to talk to my doctor and hear the reassurance that this is normal. What wasn’t as comfortable was the ultrasound paddles pressing on the air bubbles. Bad timing! Anywho, my doctor sent me home with these simple over the counter gas pain remedies.

Second Trimester Bump Pic

NOTE: This article is intended to share what I’ve learned personally. Always check with your doctor before taking anything during pregnancy, even over the counter remedies, to make sure it’s right for you.

What Are Gas Pains?

For me, it’s mostly discomfort but this recent spell was borderline painful. Gas pain can be anything from mild discomfort to severe pain throughout your abs, back and chest. You might also notice bloating, stomach or intestinal cramps.

Gas Pain Remedies

After my pregnancy loss this spring was the only time I ever recall having gas pains in my life. My doctor gave me a few remedies then, but what worked then didn’t work this time around. More on that below.

Holistic Gas Pain Remedies

A quick internet search will give you a bunch of similar remedies, below are the most common:

  • Drink plenty of fluids
  • Take a walk/exercise
  • Test certain foods (if gas pains are long term or recurring) – Brussels sprouts, cabbage, broccoli, wheat, and potatoes are common culprits of causing gas pain
  • Eat foods rich in fiber and/or take a fiber supplement (this is the daily fiber supplement I take)
  • Breathing exercises (for less severe cases)

I tried most of those that day and not one was cutting it. My case was just bigger and badder. I moved onto some of the over the counter remedies my doctor recommended.

Over the Counter Gas Pain Remedies

The first thing I tried was Gax X, because I had some home from post-delivery earlier this year. However, they didn’t work this time. My doctor said that’s normal, sometimes certain gas pain remedies just don’t cut it.

Gas X Pregnancy Gas Pain

So, Kev ran out that evening after work and picked up MiraLax and Milk of Magnesia for me to try, and some Fiber One Brownies per my mom’s recommendation. I had a post-dinner Fiber One brownie and the smallest serving of Milk of Magnesia and found it really helped me overnight. I woke up feeling SO much better! Always consult your doctor, but this is how I remedied that nagging gas pain.

Milk of Magnesia Gas Pain Relief

Sneezing hurts, coughing hurts, blowing your nose can even hurt. So be careful when you’re eating and drinking to not swallow funny because that coughing fit will REALLY suck. It’s crazy what small things can be a gas pain trigger.

Have you been in this crazy, weird boat with me before? I’d love to hear what worked for you. What works for some may not work for all, but it can help many. Share your gas pain remedies in the comments, please!

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Gas Pain Remedies

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