As with all of the new drinks that Starbucks pumps out on the regular (looking at you Frappula, Unicorn, etc.), I like to give them a try to give the blogosphere my honest feedback. Up today is the Starbucks Midnight Mint Mocha Frappuccino.

Overall? It’s pretty tasty, but not so sure it’s that new of a concept for the chain. Let’s dive into why.
Midnight Mint Mocha Frappuccino Taste
If you’ve ever had a Java Chip Frappuccino it tastes pretty similar. This is less coffee tasting with a bit of mint instead. I’ve had a few now though, and I don’t get as strong of a minty taste as I’d expected from it being in the name. I anticipated it’d compare more to a Girl Scout Thin Mint Cookie taste, but it’s more like ‘a darker chocolate frapp (oh, and maybe a dash of mint here and there)’.
Overall, the Midnight Mint Mocha Frappuccino was delicious and certainly better than the recent Unicorn Frappuccino, but it really is just a slight variation of the Molten Chocolate Frappuccino they’ve dished out for Valentine’s Day the past few years.
Starbucks Midnight Mint Nutrition
Here’s the nutrition for the standard 16 oz grande frappuccino ordered as-is. As usual, my first recommendation is ordering sans whipped cream to cut out about 110 calories. That does not include the middle layer of whipped cream that is also in this drink.

Cutting out that whipped cream would likely spare you another ~50 calories (because that space will then turn into more frapp – score), bringing the grande down to around 270 calories. Not terrible for a cool summer treat.
The Midnight Mint Mocha Frappuccino’s Appearance
How the drink looks when it’s handed to you is an important part of the overall experience, in my opinion. As a barista, you never know who you’re making this drink for, so shouldn’t they all look just like the advertised product? Plus, you pay enough for these drinks, so you want it to look camera-ready, you know?
If you look at my picture versus the mobile app you can see a few differences, most notably with the middle layer of whipped cream (or lack thereof). The drink was otherwise served very similar to its advertisement, so I can’t knock it too much. However, I do think if a middle layer of whipped cream is that prominent on the menu the served product should match unless otherwise requested.
How are you enjoying the Midnight Mint Mocha Frappuccino? Let me know your take and any customizations your recommend in the comments!
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