You put off tons of things to spend more time with each other, as you should – cheerish that time, even though to-do lists are piling up. Take advantage of your ‘me time’ for the must-dos while bae is traveling, or even just the want-to-dos, to free up time and clear up that to-do list for once your significant other returns.
Ocassionally Kevin travels for work. Recently he was gone for seven days so I choose to pass the time in the most productive, meaningful ways possible. Here’s what I was up to.
Catch up on Binging/DVR Recordings
This is your chance to free up a solid 25% of your DVR’s storage space. Binge all that reality tv that bae flips past or binge watch your own shows guilt-free. Have nothing you want to watch? Good thing Netflix is pumping us with new shows and movies left and right.
Work on Your Hobbies
Do you write? Draw? Paint? Blog? Love a good jigsaw puzzle? You do you, boo. It’s hard to focus on your own personal hobby if it’s not your S.O.’s favorite activity. Now is that time to indulge in what you want though, so get to it.

Self Care
It’s just you, so why not take of you for once? Whip up a facial or try a mask (this one is my all-time favorite). Enjoy a mani or pedi (or both) for some uninterrupted r&r. Whatever self care looks like to you, make time for it.
Planning a wedding?
This won’t apply to all, but it’s something to keep in mind if it’s you. Last year Kevin traveled in the last few months before our wedding so I took that me time to coordinate last minute vendors and details, getting things finalized, and it was therapeutic to say the least. Tiny details continue popping up out of nowhere during wedding planning, so when even one is checked off the list it feels like a great victory.
For my non-wedding planners: You may have another big event or presentation coming up – this advice still applies. Start by making a to-do list of outstanding items and buckle down while you have some free time.
Eat How You Want – Diet, Indulge or Try Something New
It can be a pain to try and appease two different appetites every single meal, but when you’re solo it’s whatever you want time.

This is your window to indulge, get on a healthier track or even try a cleanse you’ve had your eye on. Eating solo can be a bummer, so find your silver lining – take the opportunity to treat yourself or learn something new!
Meal Ideas to Try
Work on Your Fitness (without a witness)
With extra time on your hands, what’s holding you back from the gym? Or that workout class?

Treat yo’ health, enough said. If you’re already in a solid routine try upping your game: adding a two-a-day, go for an extra long dog walk, go for an extra run – whatever works for you. Looking for inspo to get started? Hop over to the blog’s fitness section and poke around.
Clean Paper Clutter
File, send or toss it! Everyone’s guilty of a little paper clutter, even me, someone who ALWAYS immediately responds to letters and RSVP cards. Paper happens (how do we still use so much paper in 2019?). Take a second and file things, or take an evening and start a filing system.
I just bought this cabinet on Amazon and took time last week to organize it while Kevin was gone. The last thing you need is to lose something important and find yourself in a pinch later. Get ahead of the paper mountain now!
Organize… Anything
What’s your closet look like? Dresser drawers? How about your pantry, snacks everywhere? Is your spice cabinet a hot mess? Something is always out of whack so make a to-do list and get to it. I straightened up two dresser drawers and installed wire bathroom shelf liners in our master bath. Now, all my extra makeup and toiletries can stop falling through the cracks.
What are your go-to activities when bae is away? Share ones I missed in the comments!