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80 Days and I’m Still Obsessed

Okay, so more than 80 days have passed due to rest days, my wedding and generally trying to get back in a routine of it afterwards. But all the same, what a great program, and it’s a huge accomplishment to complete it. I’m SO proud of myself for completing the full 80 Day Obsession program!

80 Day Obsession with Beachbody

Little side bar: it’s SO important to not be ashamed or embarrassed of how proud you are of your fitness and nutrition accomplishments. I think people tend to not ‘overdo it’ because of how they’ll be perceived. Self celebration shouldn’t be seen as shameful.

If someone’s going to be negative it’s because they’re negative. The average Joe, especially your friends and family, are going to be just as happy for you as you are proud of yourself. Everyone’s bars for achievement are at different heights, so brush of the peanut gallery and beam away.

What 80 Day Obsession did for me, in numbers

Total inches lost: 5.25″
(throughout arms, hips, thighs and waist)

Total pounds lost: 5.4 lbs

Something to keep in mind: I did this program immediately following 21 Day Fix*, where I had already lost 6.2 lbs (which in all, is almost 12 lbs in 100 days, so unthinkable last year!). In 80 Day Obsession I also gained a LOT of muscle, noticeably, which keeps your scale up, even if your figure is slimming down. This is exactly why it’s important to not get too fixated on the scale, but what the before and after photos reveal, and how you feel before and after.

Victories also come in the way of clothes sizing, particularly pants. It’s the best feeling in the world to go down a size, comfortably. You might not lose a single pound but lose a size because your waist has less excess, but there’s muscle forming elsewhere. It’s so much more than a number on a scale.
*try 21 Day Fix or 80 Day Obsession free or just learn more on my Coach Homepage

80 Day Obsession Before and After Photos

The before/after head shots are actually a little more dramatic, in my opinion.

I never thought this before photo (from our engagement shoot) would be something I wouldn’t want to share, but once you see where you can be, you never want to go back.

How I Feel After 80 Day Obsession

It’s rewarding to look at the photos, but hearing others compliment your progress unsolicitedly is a real win. I’m talking about friends and family who didn’t even know I was actively working on shedding the pounds.

When volleyball picked back up in September, the league coordinator said my skill had visibly really improved over the summer… but I didn’t play volleyball once all summer. Honestly, it’s because I had dropped extra weight and gained muscle. As such, my energy was the highest it’s been on that court.

“But once you see where you can be, you never want to go back.”

Having trouble with your fitness goals? Where have you had successes? My team is helping folks through their fitness journey, nutrition troubles or swapping successes. Email me for more information, I’d love to chat.

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